Monday, March 11, 2013

Veg Out?

It might seem like some crazy "hipster" thing to become a vegetarian or a vegan, but veggies are for everyone!  Don't discriminate- veginate!

When I got pregnant with my youngest child last year I had some crazy food aversions and cravings. One of the foods I developed an aversion to was meat. Crazy? Well not according to all the pregnancy books and articles I read, but to me and my husband it DID seem crazy! You see, as a kid, I was the one at the table who would randomly blurt out "Mom, Dad, what was this when it was up walking around?". My saying that always grossed my mom out lol, but me- NOPE! It never bothered me at all to think that I would be eating a part of an animal.  Any ways, when I started getting aversions to meat (everything I ate with meat tasted like a wet dog smells- yes it's gross, but you needed to know how it felt/smelled/tasted lol). I decided to start making more meatless meals, and in place of ground beef I would use brown rice I had cooked in a mixture of veggie broth, onions, green peppers, and some spices. My husband never even knew I used that mixture until I told him lol. Since these aversions, I've been playing around with different recipe's trying to make them meatless, and make them taste good still! Yesterday while at the store I decided to check out the tofu/ vegan section, and I discovered this stuff called meatless ground. I used it tonight to make chili with kidney beans, pinto beans, and steamed butternut squash (don't knock it till you try it!). It was freaking delicious, and my husband didn't miss the meat! I fully intend to go get more of this magical meatless concoction, and maybe a few more meatless items, because I really want my family to be vegetarians. I couldn't go as far as veganism, because I LOVE CHEESE! All cheeses, well all dairy to be honest. That's not to say that I don't enjoy almond milk and coconut milk, but dang I LOVE real cheese! What are some meatless recipe's you love? I'd love to try out some of your favorite vegetarian/vegan foods!!

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