Saturday, March 23, 2013

Let There Be Cheese!

My kids are typically fabulous little culinary inquisitors.  They love fresh fruit and veggies, and more often than not I can get them to try new foods (especially if they help out in the kitchen!).  That being said, they still have their "I don't want that, nope not that, eeew not that!" days, but if there's one thing they always agree to consume... it's CHEESE!!

It's been a few days since I've been to the store, and although I've sent hubby a time or two this week to get some of the "staples", we are really down to the bare necessities, and for some reason nothing we have to eat adds up to equal a tasty meal.  I always have bread, cheese, and butter though (lol), so when the kids started their native hunger call this evening I started to get kind of creative for dinner!  "Hey do you guys want some steamed carrots and noodles with cream of onion sauce?" (OK that doesn't even sound good to me).  Or how about "cookies and jello?" (haha just kidding!).  If there's one thing I can always get them to eat though it's a grilled cheese.  Simple, quick, and most importantly tasty!  We love using all kinds of  different types of cheeses from classic cheddar to Romano and Parmesan!  The kids think it's fun to try different flavors of cheese, but their favorite is the good old processed American cheese, and I can't blame them I love it too.  My mom would make me "toasted cheese sandwiches" when I was a kid;  slathered in butter, filled with delectable melty orange cheese, and then fried to golden crispy perfection.  Now, we all know a grilled cheese is delicious all on its own, but I love dipping mine in lots of different dips, soups, and sauces.  Anything from the time honored tomato soup to french onion dip (don't knock it till you try it).  I even like to let my grilled cheese swim around in some guacamole from time to time.  Sometimes it's fun to fill the sandwiches with tasty treats like sliced onion (not one of my babies favorites lol), tomato, fresh herbs, and well anything that goes good with cheese, so pretty much anything right?  Like ice cream?  Hot fudge?  Peanut butter?  Haha those might be adventurous options from my kids, but they don't really sound so tasty to me; more like a stomach ache haha.  What kinds of fillings do you like to put in your grilled cheese?  Which toppings or dips do you like best?  Do you call it a "grilled cheese" or a "toasted cheese sandwich"?

Monday, March 18, 2013


Alright I know I mentioned recently that I'm on this vegetarian kick, so naturally I've been checking out the vegan/vegetarian offerings at my local grocery store.  I tried that ground veggie stuff...YUMMY!  When I went back for more though, sadly they were out.  My options were vegan cheese, vegan bologna, and several different types of tofu.  I decided to give the tofu a go.  Welp...turns out it was a no.  I marinated it for nearly 24 hours in a mixture of Mexican spices, and added it in with my traditional taco mixture (rice, beans, onion, green pepper).  In place of meat obviously I used the tofu.  Now I'm not sure if it was because last night my best friend told me tofu makes her gag or the  texture of the stuff (also I may have added a bit too much salt), but the tacos tasted gross lol.  Do any of you like tofu?  If so how to you prepare it?  Share your culinary endeavors with this disgusting little gelatinous crap, and teach me how to make it taste good!!!

Waiting For Mr. Right? Stop!

I've heard the line before "I'm waiting for the perfect man to come along".  Or how about "Mr. Right is out there somewhere, I'm just waiting for him to find me".  Is this you?  Then shut up, and listen to what I'm about to tell you.

The first question you need to ask yourself is: Am I THAT desperate for a man?  Answered yes?  Then I still may have some advice for you.  Keep reading.  I think this situation is based on some time honored "tradition" that a man is supposed to make the first move.  WHY???????  As women we have MOVED MOUNTAINS socially, so why in the HELL are you sitting around waiting for a man to make his move?  A man is a fickle creature.  He dwells in his man caves and feeds on pork rinds and pizza.  He leaves his laundry scattered about waiting for his mother to clean up.  Wait.  I just figured it out.  A man is nothing but a grown child, so basically we shouldn't be blaming men for being such bewildering mammals.  NO!  It's their mothers that are to blame!  I say this because think about it...a mother will wash her sons clothes, make his bed, cook his meals...right?  Well once you marry a man, and it doesn't matter (most of the time anyways) if he was SO chivalrous while courting.  I don't care if he cascaded his members only jacket over a puddle for you just so that your Louboutin's don't get wet (although I'm not sure why you would wear such an expensive shoe in such dreadful weather, but that's not the point).  Once you marry them and live with them their inner child comes out.  It's like I've always said:  "A man goes from being his mother's child to his wife's child".  lol.  Now I'm not saying that my husband is a big man child, or well maybe I would say that sometimes.  He is a sensitive bloke who needs just the right approach for every situation.  Do I psychologically twist my ideas around so that he believes them to be his own?  hahaha damn straight.  Why do I do this?  Well because then he feels like he's the "big man on campus" so to speak.  I've gotten completely off track.  What I have been trying to say this entire time is... don't wait for a man to come along... grow some tits and get yourself out there!  Hit on a guy...hit on lots of guys if you please, but don't wait for an egotistical neanderthal to come galloping up on his stead and whisk you away!

Tattoo Time Warp

I'm sure anyone of you with tattoos has experienced the tell tale "stink eye" of the elder generations  How do you deal with those disapproving glares?

I'll be the first to admit I don't handle it very well when a) strangers touch my tattoos and b) old people give me evil looks and dish out rude comments about my tattoos.  I'm a germophobe, so the thought of a stranger putting their germ infested paws on my body without my permission makes me kinda want to gag right now.  OK I gagged.  Good thing I keep a large stash of GermX on hand.  Also when someone thinks they have the right to comment about what I do with my own body my blood pressure just skyrockets.  Who are they to judge me?  I don't tell them their geriatric polyester pants look terrible, or the hot pink lipstick they slathered on those jowls looks more like a melted popsicle running down and in between the canyons they call lip wrinkles now do I?  Should I?  Maybe next time I get a disgusting comment I will.  Maybe I'll tell them to get some concealer for their liver spots.  Better yet the next time I get a look that literally burns from their glares, so hard and long (that's what she said), I'll just stare right back!  Ha!  OK I already do that.  I know I know, I have tattoos...expect some attention.  I love the nice attention:  "Oh you're tattoos are beautiful" or "Who does your art work?".  I MORE than gladly tell them where my husband and I get tattooed, and who has decorated our bodies with beautiful works of art.  I've even had people tell me "I don't like tattoos, but I have to say yours are just simply beautiful."  That's nice.  I think the negative stuff I have been talking about stems from the fact that when I was a kid my parents taught me not to stare, not to point, and if I have nothing nice to say...I say nothing at all.  What do elders think gives them the right to say whatever they want to a total stranger??  Were they not taught any manners??!  We know that can't be true, because they taught them to our generation!  This topic kind of goes hand in hand with fat girl remarks.  Leave my fat and my tattoos alone!  That is unless you enjoy what you see lol.

Don't Cry Over Spilled er...Undersupply of Breast Milk?

Breastfeeding may be the most natural thing on Earth, but does it always come naturally?  Unfortunately, for the majority of breastfeeding women there will be some obstacles to deal with.  The question is:  Do you have the "tits" to overcome those hurdles?

As a mother of three, I have had my share of trials and tribulations with my breasts lactation capabilities.  I always knew I wanted to nurse my babies, even back when I was just a kid myself playing house with my friends.  Ask them.  lol.  I loved putting a ball under my shirt pretending to be pregnant, my husband would ALWAYS be Zach Morris (eat your heart out ladies... my imaginary hubby was a hawtie).  Ok that's an exaggeration.  The hubby decision was a toss up between Zach Morris and Brian Littrel from Back Street Boys haha!  Back to what I was saying though, just because you want to nurse doesn't mean it will come easy.  It's a learning process between you and your baby, and even though you're both designed for it, it will take a bit of practice and patience.  With my first baby we both spent a week in the hospital due to some complications at birth, and unfortunately I was extremely uneducated about breast feeding.  I thought once the baby came my tits would be like soda fountains...right?  Wrong.  I didn't actually get to hold my first baby until they were a couple days old, and they had to stay in the NICU.  We didn't really have the opportunity to nurse since my baby had to be hooked up to so many different things, and on top of it all they had a feeding tube for a short period in the beginning.  I did pump my milk the first few days, but I didn't really know I had to be so precise about it.  Instead of pumping like every couple hours I just did it sporadically, and that did not bring my milk in.  I actually don't even remember becoming engorged.  Once my baby was able to leave the NICU they had already had a bottle, and when we tried to nurse the whole situation was so stressful I gave up and decided to give my baby formula.  At the time it seemed like the right thing to do, and now, in retrospect I wish I'd have done more to bring my milk in to nurse.  With my second child I was ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED to make breastfeeding work.  Again though, like my first child, my second baby had to stay in the NICU.  We were both in the hospital a week, but this time I pumped religiously every 2-3 hours.  Eureka!  My milk began to come in.  I would collect all I could, and with a smile from ear to ear I would transport this magical golden treat down the hall to the NICU for my baby to eat through a bottle.  My second child didn't have to stay in the NICU as long as my first baby, so after several days they were allowed to stay with my husband and I in our room, and since we had been able to nurse in the NICU, and I had done all I could to bring my milk in, I thought our breast feeding journey was on the right track.  Once we got home I felt like all I did was nurse, and with another small child running around I have to say those first few days were very trying while I was healing myself.  After a few weeks of nursing pretty much around the clock I decided to contact the lactation consultant at my pediatricians office, and we both went there for a little visit to see how we were doing with breast feeding.  I was told we were doing fine.  To keep it up.  Do what you've been doing.  I was not aware that breast fed babies don't gain weight as fast as formula fed babies, and didn't know that it was normal for new babies to nurse A LOT.  I finally decided to give my baby formula, because I felt like they weren't getting enough to eat.  I didn't quit nursing though, we just supplemented with formula.  With my most recent pregnancy I began to do more research about breastfeeding, and looking back I thought maybe my second baby had been "cluster feeding", because they were getting ready for a growth spurt.  Yes that had to be it, because my friends who breast feed said that any woman can breastfeed.  It's a supply and demand thing they said.  So I trudged on, reading everything about breastfeeding I could.  I found several breastfeeding pages on facebook and read away!  It was so interesting to read about all the other mothers experiences with nursing their babies, and I felt like this time I could really do this!  I had been silly in the past thinking I couldn't make enough milk.  With my third baby delivery went much smoother than with my other two children, and thankfully my youngest baby didn't have to go into the NICU.  We were on a great start to our breastfeeding journey.  I nursed on demand, and yes my nipples got so sore!  They bled a bit, and I cringed every time my baby latched on (just as I had with my second child).  I was in terrible pain while healing, and still I took care of two older children, and nursed my new baby on demand.  I thought I nursed a lot with my second baby, but it didn't compare with this time around.  My baby was never really happy the first few weeks, wouldn't really rest very well, and wasn't gaining weight appropriately.  I finally decided to supplement after baby's 2 month checkup.  After we began supplementing baby became happier, slept better, and began gaining weight good!  I tried everything I knew to make my milk supply increase.  I pumped (which hurt my nips), took Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle, drank mother's milk tea, ate oatmeal, drank alot of water, nursed on demand, and STILL my supply did not increase.  I don't care what people baby demands milk and my tits can not supply enough!  I'm kind of sad that I can't exclusively breast feed my baby, but baby does get my breast milk first, and  then we supplement as needed with formula.  Sometimes baby takes more formula, and sometimes a bit less.  I'm just happy that my baby is happy, and I love the bond we share with nursing.  It's the sweetest thing, and I know that my milk is best for my baby.  For all of you mother's out there who are having supply issues with your breast milk, if you have to supplement don't beat yourself up about it.  Continue to nurse!  Offer breast first, and if baby is still hungry then offer formula.  You're doing the best you can for your baby, and that's what is important! 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Click Your Heels Together Three Times

Ok ladies... does a shoe really MAKE an outfit?!

Yes they're beautiful, stylish, and wait for it....kinda uncomfortable!  I have always thought of a good pair of pumps as something completely out of my grasp er...step.  You see I'm EXTREMELY clumsy, and add in three kids and tons of stuff in tow every day I find it very hard to wear stylish shoes.  My most recent shoe purchase were a pair of Nikes.  Mostly for comfort.  They sell such cute tennis shoes, but 100+ for a really fancy pair??!  Um... heck no.  I'd much rather spend that money on something else.  I'm not sure if it's my older age or the practicality of parenthood, but I can barely bring myself to buy something that isn't on sale unless I have a coupon.  I mean c'mon, a Franklin or MORE for a pair of sneakers?  No thanks.  So needless to say I purchased some at JcPenney's that were around $40, and I think I even had a coupon, so boom.  I love heels, but I just can't wear them.  The hurt my feet to the point that I can barely walk, and I just can't justify the pain and blisters for beauty lol.  That's not so say that I don't try and wear beautiful shoes, I just have to be super selective in the type of shoe I choose.  I try and stick with flats, flip flops (which really aren't safe), or every country girl's staple- bare feet.  Yeah the bottoms of  my feet might be reminiscent of sand paper at times and one might even compare them to elephant skin, but hot damn if I want to go running down the drive shoeless then I can...and it doesn't hurt lol.  What kind of shoes do you like?  Do you find it hard to wear high heels?  Which shoes, apart from heels, look the most sexy?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ramblin' Darlin'

Sometimes you just wanna ramble!

This post really has no finite point to it.  I have my days and nights in a whirl, and although I had gotten my sleep schedule back on track several weeks ago it seems as though again I'm spending more time awake and less time asleep!  I'm not sure what made this pop into my mind at 1am, but for some reason or another "The Galloping Gourmet" crossed my mind, and I decided that tonight, being good a night as any to fix this debacle I have with sleep at the moment, I would watch re-runs of Graham Kerr leaping tables- wine glass in hand!  If you haven't ever had the pleasure of watching this dashingly handsome comedian/chef then PLEASE DO!  When I was a kid my mom and I would watch "The Galloping Gourmet" together, and then I would pretend to have a cooking show of my own.  I love to cook.  Sometimes my concoctions turn out grand and other times the only person that will eat them is my husband- good thing he isn't a picky eater!  lol.    I told you this post would be nothing but rambles lol.  I'm on the 15th or so episode of "The Galloping Gourmet", and he is making treacle tart.  Maybe I'll try making a recipe or two of his.  I just watched him prepare a beer braised roast, and it 'looked mouth wateringly delicious- then I remembered I want to become a vegetarian.  Darn.  Maybe I could use the word "vegetarian" loosely.  I love scrambled eggs, can I eat eggs and still be a vegetarian?  Also earlier this evening I thought to myself how much I love smoked sausage, and this dish my family makes called "Cabin Mix".  I named it.  Not a very fancy name, but none the less a name- that describes the dish perfectly.  You see my family has a cabin, and for as long as I can remember we've gone there for mini holiday's (I'm typing this and speaking in a British accent- mostly because Graham Kerr has a lovely accent lol), and lots of other occasions- and not occasions.  Any who, at the cabin we eat.  That's pretty much what we do the entire time unless the weather is nice and then we either go swimming or go into town to do a little bit of shopping (I say little, because there are really very few shops).  We cook lots of different dishes at the cabin, but one dish in particular we created, together.  It's really easy, and after many trials the dish finally took shape, and now, years later, we still enjoy it together- not just at the cabin.  You take red potatoes, carrots, green peppers, onions, squash, zucchini, grape tomatoes, smoked sausage, butter, broth or water, and Mrs. dash and cook all that deliciousness together until the potatoes are soft and the flavors have come together beautifully in the sauce.  You can cook it in the crock pot (which is my favorite way when I'm at home), or over a campfire which is how this dish began.  You used to be able to get these big tin foil bags and we would toss all the ingredients together (and we used to add chicken which you can do, but you'll have to be a bit more specific as far as cooking times go), and put the bags into our campfire.  I'd say that was the best way to eat it.  Eating it outside on our porch at our cabin in the middle of the woods, smelling the warm summer air (you see the cabin is in a remote area that you can't really travel to in the winter), watching the sun go down behind the mountains and trees while everyone is either gathered around the fire, setting with you at the old picnic table, or setting inside enjoying re-runs of Andy Griffith or listening to some good old music from the civil war era (or possibly the nearly worn out copy of the soundtrack to Dirty Dancing).  The cabin is amazing.  No phone.  No wifi.  No cable.  My parents actually went to the cabin for their honey moon :) so romantic.  I think my god parents may have went there as well for their honey moon.  My husband and I went to Florida, and spent the week on the beach in Daytona and topped off the vacation with a trip to Disney!  Although our very first trip together was to the cabin.  :)  When you go to the cabin it's tradition to sign your names and write the dates you stayed there inside the frames of the doors, but seeing as how the cabin is gosh... probably close to 50 years old or more, you can imagine we're running out of space!  We've added a few wooden plaques to sign, but I'm pretty sure we've signed the ceilings and maybe even started on the walls.  I'm sure one day when my kids bring their children to the cabin every inch of the place will be grafiti'd with memories of wonderful trips.  My favorite part of the signing of the walls is looking back at all the times we've been there together, all of us, my whole family.  I love seeing my mom's handwriting; she always added if the weather was nice or not :).  She was a fabulous lady.  Well I suppose this was enough ramblings for one night.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Veg Out?

It might seem like some crazy "hipster" thing to become a vegetarian or a vegan, but veggies are for everyone!  Don't discriminate- veginate!

When I got pregnant with my youngest child last year I had some crazy food aversions and cravings. One of the foods I developed an aversion to was meat. Crazy? Well not according to all the pregnancy books and articles I read, but to me and my husband it DID seem crazy! You see, as a kid, I was the one at the table who would randomly blurt out "Mom, Dad, what was this when it was up walking around?". My saying that always grossed my mom out lol, but me- NOPE! It never bothered me at all to think that I would be eating a part of an animal.  Any ways, when I started getting aversions to meat (everything I ate with meat tasted like a wet dog smells- yes it's gross, but you needed to know how it felt/smelled/tasted lol). I decided to start making more meatless meals, and in place of ground beef I would use brown rice I had cooked in a mixture of veggie broth, onions, green peppers, and some spices. My husband never even knew I used that mixture until I told him lol. Since these aversions, I've been playing around with different recipe's trying to make them meatless, and make them taste good still! Yesterday while at the store I decided to check out the tofu/ vegan section, and I discovered this stuff called meatless ground. I used it tonight to make chili with kidney beans, pinto beans, and steamed butternut squash (don't knock it till you try it!). It was freaking delicious, and my husband didn't miss the meat! I fully intend to go get more of this magical meatless concoction, and maybe a few more meatless items, because I really want my family to be vegetarians. I couldn't go as far as veganism, because I LOVE CHEESE! All cheeses, well all dairy to be honest. That's not to say that I don't enjoy almond milk and coconut milk, but dang I LOVE real cheese! What are some meatless recipe's you love? I'd love to try out some of your favorite vegetarian/vegan foods!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Mouth Behind the Fat

The Thick Pinup

OK so maybe I'm not OFFICIALLY a pinup; I haven't appeared in any magazines or anything.  I suppose pinup is just something that all of us ladies have inside us.  To what degree our "inner pinup" is, is up to you.  I love vintage inspired clothes, tattoos, stretched ears, hot pink lips, bleach blond hair, and a good lined cat eye.  I love to listen to old music.  Pretty much anything from the 50's and 60's.  I also love any type of "Rockabilly" music, and I ache for the day that my family and I can make the long journey to Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekender!  I love spending time with my kids and my husband more than anything in the universe <3.  I love makeup, and watching my favorite YouTuber's such as:  VintageorTacky, LisaFreemontStreet (who introduced me to Dolly Bags!), XSparkage, KandeeJohnson, and ofcourse there are more (please go check these ladies out!).  I love to sing and dance.  I also love to paint.  I have a few paintings on display in a local Rockabilly type clothing store, which I am so humbled by :).  Any who that's just a bit about me- the mouth behind the fat.  XOXO

Baby Wearing

Maybe you've heard the term "baby wearing"?  There are lots of different options when it comes to baby wearing, and I'd like to share my journey to finding the carrier that's right for me and my baby :)

OK... Baby Wearing?  I thought that too when I first heard the term, but after experiencing it first hand I can't gush enough about it!  I'm a mother of three, so you can imagine I've tried several carriers, and in the early days the ones I tried were wretched!  The straps dug into my shoulders and hips, and my babies never seemed to be very comfortable.  Recently my best friend had a baby, and she really got into this "baby wearing", and I have to admit at first I was like jigga what?  I decided to do some investigating myself, and I discovered this whole new world of baby carriers!  Wraps, slings...Boba's, Beco's and Ergo's OH MY!  How is a mommy to decide which one of the carriers is right for her and her baby?  Well for me trial and error, my size, and what I wanted from a carrier were really what it boiled down to.  I checked out reviews and of course badgered my best friend to bits about her carriers lol.  I eventually decided to get a Moby wrap.  I chose the UV Moby in Turquoise- mostly because the color and mostly because the girl on the website wearing that wrap has bleach blond hair and tattoos, like me :).  I had read such good reviews about the Moby.  All the owners went on and on about how comfortable the Moby is and how easy it was for them to figure out.  There were thin and thick women raving about this wrap, so I decided it was the right one for us.  I finally decided to order one, and it promptly came in the mail.  I was pleasantly surprised that it fit me so well, and how comfortable it was for me.  I will say that assembling this fabric, which is like wrangling a king sized sheet, is so hard and pretty embarrassing when you're out in public trying to swaddle yourself into it.  Once you finally lace yourself into this anaconda they call a Moby Wrap you have to then carefully place your baby into the fabric.  It is a challenge to adjust the baby in this fabric, and as you wear it the fabric stretches out a bit, so it seems you're constantly adjusting your baby.  I have also read reviews that it's "easy to nurse" in this wrap...well not for us.  I'd say it was because my lady lumps are more like mountains.  I had used the Moby around the house a few times to get the hang of it, and while it was really comfortable, we never wore it for too long.  I finally decided to try it out at the mall.  I don't know if it was the titanic sized fabric, the fact that my older children both had to use the bathroom, or the fact that my four year old was galloping around the men's department whilst I tried to Cirque De Soleil my body into this "thang", but it took forever lol.  By the time we were "in" the first 30 min. or so seemed ok.  After that I started to sweat a bit under all the fabric, and I had to begin adjusting my baby.  We were at the mall for a couple hours, and for the majority of the trip I carried my baby in this wrap.  Overall though I didn't like the experience, and I didn't feel like there was enough support with the fabric, and would have preferred it not stretch like that.  I don't see how it could hold a toddler very comfortably.  I told my best friend about my experience with my Moby, and she began telling me how she loved her Mei Tei wrap by Infantino.  Super cute, super functional, and a lot easier than a wrap.  She began to tell me though that she planned on purchasing a Boba, and of course I drilled her on that carrier as well.  Later that night I CSI'd the crap out of google about the Mei Tei and the Boba, and somehow came across the Beco Gemini.  I searched the Ergo, the Baby Bjorn, and countless other carriers, and FINALLY reached the decision that the Beco Gemini would most definitely be the right carrier for us (not to mention the AMAZING prints it comes in!).  These carriers may seem kind of pricey, but they are WELL worth every penny.  They're so sturdy and made so well.  Being a bargain hunter I couldn't resist trying to find a coupon code or something, so I enlisted the help of my wing man- Google, and I found out about this awesome website:  She has TONS of brand new and used Beco Gemini's for sale...EVEN IN RETIRED PRINTS!  The moral of the story is when choosing a carrier read every review you can find, drill the pants off your "baby wearing" friends, and if you have to, try them out yourself!  You will find one that's perfect for you and your baby :)

Disclamer: I was not paid by to endorse her website.

Dungaree Dolly Handbags

Dolly Bags: "Rockin' Handbags Built to Last"

I love handbags. I have a HUGE collection. I love bright colors, lots of prints, and something big enough to carry the kitchen sink in most of the time. Sadly though, I never could find a purse that could hold up to the wear and tear of carrying around all my children's things as well as my own! You can imagine my curiosity when I heard of a handbag company that makes AMAZING bags for any style, but also has a "retro-ness" that I had been searching for! The wonderful company I'm speaking of is Dungaree Dolly ( The lady, Dolly, who created this company is a lovely girl to work with. She is so kind, and sweet, and makes the most durable and beautiful handbags imaginable! On her website she has listed the different bags she makes with photo's of each, and a list of fabrics for you to choose from. Once you have chosen which bag you fancy, and which fabric you just can't live with out, she HAND MAKES your bag, and sends it directly to your door. Let me tell you, when you open up the box your bag is wrapped with beautiful tissue paper and a bow (it feels like a present to yourself!). The bags quality SURPASSES any other handbag I have ever owned...ever!  Also a fun little touch is the lining of the bags.  Each one has a coordinating print that is so completely fun and special!  It's like an awesome little surprise just for you everytime you open your bag!  If you don't have time to wait for a custom bag you could check out Dolly's Etsy shop:  there she has tons of bags already made and ready to ship along with some mid-century modern goodies that you will just love!  Please go check out Dolly's bags!  XOXO

Deluxe Bowling Bag in Movie Monsters

DD Elite Socialite Bag in Golden Cheetah
Carol Ann Bag
Diaper Bag in Mom Tattoo Print
Disclaimer: I have not been paid to review this company.

To Spank or Not to Spank?

OK by now I'm sure you've heard of Spanx, and maybe some of you have reached your own conclusions about the company.  My question to you is: Have you been Spank'd yet?

Alright we've talked about clothes, now lets talk about what we wear under them!  Maybe you've heard about your great granny's wearing gyrtles (that's what I call my shapewear lol).  Do you own some type of shapewear?  Do you like it?  Is it comfortable to wear for long periods of time?  These are important questions when pondering shapewear.  Too often it can be thick, bunching, and lets not forget completely uncomfortable and sweaty!  I've been wearing "gyrtles" since I was in the 6th grade- I told you I've ALWAYS been chubby!  Any who, I've owned countless brands of shapewear, and NONE of them were comfortable.  If they weren't pinching they were riding up my buns.  They were tight and hot, and because I have an hourglass shaped body they would "peek" out the top of my pants when I sat down.  Also the "lines" they left under my clothing were really gross looking.  I wanted something that was going to look smooth under my clothes, and just hold everything together so my jiggly stuff wasn't so jiggly.  Let's face it...we have curves- enhance them!  I was pretty intrigued when I heard about Spanx (I can't even remember how long ago it was), but even more so when I found out they carried them in my size!  I know that Lane Bryant and Torrid carry larger sizes in Spanks.  They definitely smooth stuff out and hold it in...comfortably!  Not hot, not tight, no bunching!  Most amazingly...NO WEDGIES!  Ha ha.

Fashion Confessions of A Fat Girl

OK so I've already admitted to you (and the ENTIRE Internet what size I wear), so I'm sure you're wondering "How in the heck does she find fashionable plus size clothes?". 

 Well it took some searching, because I live in a very secluded area as far as clothing shops go. We have your typical American Eagle, Hollister, and Abercrombie at our mall. We even have a Lane Bryant! Can you believe it? Catering to the chubby lady- hats off to my local mall... or not. Although I've found some fashionable pieces of clothing at Lane Bryant I'm still young, and I wanna dress freaking cool! Let's face it. Lane Bryant's clothes can be matronly, and most definitely conservative. When I do find something that peaks my interest there, it's out of stock. Why you ask? Because apparently other women want to dress to impress too!  Also, it really irritates me that there are actually some stores that carry plus size, but ONLY online...WTH?  It's not fair that I, as a plus sized vixen, have to order clothing and wait for it to arrive at my home, and if it doesn't fit I have to send it back- you know, all that hullabaloo.

Just when I was about to give up on finding any young and attractive clothing to fit my round buns, I stumbled across this company- Torrid ( My first reactions were: OMG, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE, OH I NEED THAT AND THAT etc... I have been HOOKED ever since. They sell affordable fashionable clothes for us chubby (embrace it) ladies. Torrid also has a special little section for us Rockabilly chicks! If you sign up as a member on you can get special little perks like coupon codes and even a super special birthday surprise!!! Another company I like to shop at is: Sealed With A Kiss Designs ( They also have a vintage or rockabilly section. The clothes are affordable and fun, and if you sign up with them you also get special little perks! There are a few vintage inspired clothing companies that sell plus sizes: Mode Merr (, Pinup Girl Clothing (, Mod Cloth (, and there are several more that I can't think of at the moment. I haven't had the pleasure of purchasing anything from PUG Clothing or Mod Cloth YET. Mode Merr on the other hand I have and I LOVE! I have her Vamp Dress, and I absolutely love it. The dress hugs my curves so wonderfully (needless to say my husband loves it too!). The quality of the dress is amazing, and I have had SO many compliments when I wear it. I hope this peaks your interest, and you go check out these fabulous plus size clothing shops!!! XOXO

Disclamer:  I was not paid by any of these companies to endorse their products.  All reviews are based on items I purchased

Fat or Foe?

How often do you look at yourself in the mirror?  Do you like what you see? 

Sadly most women don't. They have this unrealistic image in their heads (thanks a lot society), and if they don't come close to that they have a bad self image. I hate that. No seriously. I freaking hate it. Could we all stand to lose a few pounds to be healthier? I know I could ha ha. I'm in the here and now though, and although I'm no size 2 (a 24/26 to be exact) I still love my body and myself. Question: Do you think it's possible to look past the stereotypes of "sexiness" and "attractiveness" and see people for who they really are, and STILL find them beautiful?

I'm typing this as I set here in silence (everyone is asleep but me) except for The Walking Dead playing in the background.  I've always wanted to help girls with their self esteem.  Trust me, growing up chunky wasn't easy, but I overcame the idiots who tried to make me hate my body and myself.  As a mother I want my kids to treat others with respect, and I always tell them it doesn't matter what people look like on the outside (more mother's should teach their children this).  Bullying starts so young it seems.  As a kid I endured my unfair share of ridicule, and there were times I came home crying, but my mom always helped me through it.  She taught me to be beautiful to the world we have to love ourselves first, and she was right.  I love me.  Do I have days where I have nothing to wear, because it all looks like crap?  Um yeah hello I'm a girl!  My husband would definitely disagree on the "nothing to wear" thing lol.  At the end of the day though I'm happy with me and who I am and who I'm teaching my children to be: confident, self sufficient, non judgemental people.

Maybe you have some body image issues?  It's not easy to over come that, and to be honest I'm no expert.  I just know that for the people out there who aren't willing to except you for who you are- they have no place in your life.  The ones who love you for you are mean more than the moon.  I suppose I would say to surround yourself with these good people and maybe take a trip to the mall...or two he he ;)